Backing Bail Agents Nationwide
First Financial Surety Offers You...
A Strong Partnership
We are a trusted partner you can always rely on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Nationwide Assistance
FFS is able to assist bail agents in all states where commercial surety bail is written.
We have been in business for over 30 years helping bail agents operate effectively.
We breed success!
First Financial Surety brought hope when another company treated me unfairly. Although things didn't go well with my first insurance company, with First Financial Surety's help I am on top of my game.
I started out on a First Financial Partnership program and it gave me a valuable learning experience. After successfully completing the program I am more knowledgeable of the business, and I now have a competitive Insurance rate.
Marina Capps
Corey Briggs
I have been with First Financial Surety since 2008, and their customer service keeps getting better and better!
When I started the bail bonding business in 2010 First Financial helped me with a strategic marketing plan that still works today. Awesome Company!
Tim Tolar
Bernard Brown